Month: August 2018

California Senators Declare War on the Christian Faith

2 California Senators Declare War on the Christian Faith As California’s AB 2943 is about to become law, some senators are announcing their real sentiments loudly and clearly: Christians do not have the right to practice their faith. To Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi and to Senator Ricardo Lara, I ask you plainly: Who appointed you God?


FIVE SECRETS of SPIRITUAL STRENGTH by A.W. Tozer (1) DEAL THOROUGHLY WITH SIN… Tozer: This is not to preach sinless perfection. This is to say that every known sin is to be named, identified and repudiated, and that we must trust God for deliverance from it, so that there is no more sin anywhere in our lives. It

Master List of Logical Fallacies

Master List of Logical Fallacies Mirror copy from First a quick review of Aristotle’s “Modes of Persuasion” Ethos (sometimes referred to as an appeal to ethics), then, is used as a means of convincing an audience via the authority or credibility of the persuader, be it a notable or experienced figure in the field

Retired pastor threatened with eviction over Bible study

Retired pastor threatened with eviction over Bible study A company that runs a senior-living center in Fredericksburg, Virginia, has decided that a Bible study is a “business” and consequently has threatened to evict a retired Lutheran pastor and his wife for conducting one in their residence

Schools No Longer Require ‘Parent’s Consent’ To Administer HPV Vaccine

Schools No Longer Require ‘Parent’s Consent’ To Administer HPV Vaccine Schools have always required parents to give their consent ahead of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations administered to children, but now things are set to change. Tuija Leino, who heads the National Institute for Health and Welfare THL’s immunization unit, says that permission was only sought

Classic Bible tract investigated as ‘hate’ speech

Classic Bible tract investigated as ‘hate’ speech The Christian Institute in the United Kingdom is lamenting that contemporary society has become so intolerant that a simple Bible tract stating pride leads to disgrace is being treated as “hate speech.”