Destruction of Israel guaranteed, ayatollah says
The ayatollah promises a restructuring of the Middle East: “Palestine will be free, have no doubt in this. … Palestinians will return there and there will be a Palestinian government … and that is based on the truth revealed by God. A new Middle East will be … an Islamic Middle East.”  
Pope Francis reaches out to Muslims at end of Ramadan
Pope Francis has urged Christians and Muslims to work together to promote mutual respect, particularly by educating new generations of believers. He greeted Muslims around the world during his Sunday blessing of pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s Square in Rome. He said that “our brothers” the Muslims had just concluded their holy month of Ramadan, dedicated to fasting, prayer and alms-giving. 
Israel names 26 Palestinian prisoners for release
Israel’s government has given details of 26 long-term Palestinian prisoners to be freed as part of a deal which will see peace talks resume this week. A list of names chosen by a ministerial committee was published overnight. The prisoners will be freed on Tuesday. The delay allows time for last-minute legal challenges by victims’ families.  
This is no way to build trust
While the headlines in Israeli newspapers have dealt extensively with the criticism leveled by the families of victims killed by the prisoners to be released, on the Palestinian side there has been no shortage of voices expressing disappointment in the make-up of the list.  

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