10 examples of men abusing Target’s dangerous policy

@Target places your wives, daughters, and mothers in danger and here are 10 examples
  1. Man wanted for taking photos inside Target changing room
  2. Transgender woman caught filming in Target changing room
  3. Man seen reaching under stall with phone in Target dressing room
  4. ‘Peeping Tom’ reported in Target dressing room
  5. Teen girl reports dressing room peeper at Target
  6. Police Looking for Target Peeper
  7. Target peeping Tom pleads guilty
  8. Man Arrested for Taking Photos of Woman in Target Bathroom
  9. Peeping tom caught filming women in Brentwood Target dressing rooms
  10. ‘Peeping Tom’ took pics of people in Target bathroom
#BoycottTarget  http://bit.ly/2d9KvWV

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